Animals and the Afterlife

Do animals have souls?
What happens when they die?

This book offers some amazing answers…

Kim Sheridan grew up with animals as her constant companions. Each time she faced the death of a beloved animal, along with the pain came the same questions, to which she could find no answers. Then mysterious things began to happen which she could not explain. Unable to dismiss these mysterious events, Kim embarked upon what became an incredible journey to uncover the truth. Along with her own experiences, she compiled the extraordinary experiences of ordinary people from around the world. She discovered overwhelming evidence that forever erased her own doubts of an afterlife for animals. Kim’s award-winning book provides reassurance to anyone who has ever loved and lost an animal. For more information, visit:


Animals and the Afterlife, Book 2

Do animals have souls?
What happens when they die?

The Journey Continues…

Kim Sheridan addressed these questions and more in her first book, Animals and the Afterlife. Now, her latest book picks up right where the first one left off. (Release date yet to be announced. Join the email list to stay informed.) Book 2 chronicles Kim’s continuing journey in this fascinating realm. It weaves Kim’s research and personal experiences among amazing new stories of people around the world. It addresses topics not covered in the first book, and it offers additional comfort and support for those grieving the loss of a beloved pet. “My Journey into this realm has been eye opening, mind expanding, and very healing. It is my intention that others will be comforted by the overwhelming evidence of life after death for all beings; the highly substantiated notion that our loved ones never really die, no matter their species, no matter their size.” –Kim Sheridan

Before and Afterlife

Is There Life After Death?
Is There Life Before Life?
Kim Sheridan Offers Compelling Answers…

After many personal losses of beloved animals and humans alike, Kim takes her afterlife explorations further, including everything from religion to scientific research. Upon the tragic death of a longtime dear friend, Kim experienced both the pain of loss and the reassurance that our loved ones are indeed still very much around. Before and Afterlife chronicles Kim’s continuing journey, exploring not only the more common forms of after-death communications, but also various related topics. She shows that the evidence of an afterlife for humans, and that of animals, is identical. She even provides Biblical support for some of the more controversial topics covered in her books. Kim’s goal is to demonstrate that Heaven is real, and our departed loved ones aren’t really gone. Before and Afterlife provides tremendous comfort for anyone who has ever loved and lost. (Release date yet to be announced. Join the email list to stay informed.)

Happily Ever Afterlife

Since early childhood, Kim Sheridan has explored life after death. What started out as a childhood fascination turned into adulthood desperation when the subject hit home in a most devastating way. Many years ago, when Kim first made the commitment to write this book, she couldn’t have fathomed what she was being prepared for, and what this book would actually end up being about. Upon the unexpected and tragic death of the most important person in Kim’s world, her beloved husband, she was broken to the core and plunged to the depths of emotional hell. In the process, she was taken deeper into this realm than she could have ever imagined, discovering the very real world of angels and demons. Ultimately, through her own totally unexpected Heavenly encounters, she came full circle to a peace that transcends all understanding. (This book is still being written. Join the email list to stay informed.)

The Compassion Diet

This book is still being written. Join the email list to stay informed.


Uncooking with Jameth & Kim

By Jameth & Kim Sheridan

Out of Print, Limited Edition, While Supplies Last.

First published in 1991, Uncooking contains the original recipes created in 1990 and taught in the highly popular Uncooking with Jameth and Kim workshops. In the early 1990s, people traveled from all over the world to attend these workshops, and some of them went on to become popular raw food teachers, chefs, and restaurateurs themselves. Some of today’s most popular raw food recipes and ideas – including flax crackers, which are now a staple item on most health food store shelves – originated in this small, humble book. It’s not thick or fancy with a lot of glossy photos (other than the front and back covers), but it contains over 100 creative recipes, including the now-famous flax crackers, along with soaked/dehydrated nut/seed/grain recipes, savory dishes, desserts, and more. These recipes, created at a time when there weren’t any raw food restaurants to be found, originated from Jameth and Kim’s desire to eat creative, gourmet, and healthful raw foods, and to help others do the same. We sincerely hope it serves your palate, health, and well-being.

The beginning of the book contains helpful information on various aspects of a raw food diet; and there is a section at the end about healthful cooked foods for those who do not wish to go 100% raw. Kim and Jameth put a lot of time, effort, and creativity into this project. They even used some of these recipes to cater their own wedding – wedding cake and all – as they couldn’t find a raw food caterer back in those days. We think you will be pleasantly surprised at some of the things you can do with raw foods, and how absolutely delicious they can be! The recipes and information in Uncooking will give you the raw materials to produce your own creations, too! May you enjoy good food and good health! 


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