Posts by KS

6 Items

Latest Kim Update

by KS

I’M BACK! After being behind-the-scenes for the past 8+ years, taking care of a LOT of unfinished business my beloved late husband Jameth left behind, in addition to all of my other responsibilities, running the animal sanctuary, and doing some much-needed grief work, I will finally resume public interviews in September. Also, as of August, […]

Upcoming Radio Interview

by KS

I’m honored to be the featured guest on the Healing with the Rainbow Rays blog talk radio show on Monday, August 25th at 6 pm PT. To tune in, please use the following link:


by KS

Many apologies… the past year has been so hectic that updates weren’t posted here. Unless you’re on the email list, we’re sorry we haven’t kept you updated! From now, we’ll be far more attentive in keeping this page up-to-date. Stay tuned for much more to come…

Upcoming Event

by KS

I’m honored to announce that I will be the keynote speaker at the first ever conference on Animals in the Afterlife this coming fall. Stay tuned for more details!

Updated Sites

by KS

Several of our websites are in the process of being updated. For details, please be sure to check out the “Other Sites” tab. 🙂